Thursday, March 15, 2012

BSN's Protein

   In my first few months of working out, I realized that if I wanted the most out of every lift, I need a good post-workout protein shake. I went through the typical generic brands you find at Wal-Mart and found that they are easy on the wallet, but that's about the only thing they excel in. It took me about a year to finally cave-in and try the highly recommended (but fairly expensive compared to other protein) Syntha-6 . Not only did I notice the gains and recovery benefits, but it was (by far) the best tasting protein I had ever had.

   This product is perfect for those of you trying to build some muscle while also trimming down. Sytha-6 is a lean muscle protein, meaning it gives you the protein and amino acids you need while leaving out all the extra calories (22g protein per 200 calories). However, every body is different. While some are working on trimming fat and gaining a little muscle, others are struggling to keep any weight on and to build muscle.

   For those of you who are not having a problem losing mass, but rather putting any on, you need a different kind of mass gainer's protein shake. True-Mass is BSN's mass-gainer. This product will help you build lean muscle (like Syntha-6), but give you plenty of protein and calories (48g per 630 calories) to bulk you up.

   No matter if you are working out to lose weight, gain weight, or just to stay in shape, you should be taking protein. A shake after your workout will help you build muscle and help you recover. It is the most important supplement for your body.


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