Sunday, March 25, 2012

All About Beta-Alanine

pH Levels in Your Body.

   As described in "All You Need to Know About Creatine.", your muscles burn up ATP as an energy source when contracting. The harder you work your muscles, the more ATP is used and the more lactic acid is produced. These reactions release H+ (hydrogen ions) into our muscles, causing our pH level to drop. A decrease in the pH level of your muscles causes them to fatigue. Not being able to maintain forceful muscle contractions and perform at your body's highest level during your workout lowers your ability to overload your muscles and achieve better gains.


   To get our bodies to perform at the highest level, we need to reduce the amount of H+ in our muscles and get the pH level back to the normal range. Our bodies work to keep our pH levels regulated using various buffering systems. These work by absorbing the excess H+ in all parts of our bodies. Carnosine is the first line of defense for absorbing the H+ in your muscles. However, your body can not break down carnosine correctly when ingested alone.

How Beta-Alanine Helps.

   Beta-Alanine plays a huge role in promoting the synthesis of carnosine. Studies show that after supplementing beta-alanine for just four weeks, carnosine levels increased by 42-65%. This increase in buffering capacity (carnosine) from supplementing beta-alanine will result in an increase in strength, lean body mass, and an overall decrease in muscle fatigue.


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